Mount Carmel Academy hosted a pre-med informational session and health professions fair for current sophomores, juniors, seniors, and their parents.
Panelists included (from right to left): Dr. Angela McLean '83, LSU School of Medicine Associate Dean for Admissions, Dr. Meghan Jones '03, Pediatrician at Hales Pediatrics, Kathleen Maier, Senior Pre-Professional Advisor at Newcomb-Tulane College, Camille Denny '20, LSU School of Medicine first year student, and Kimberly Peychaud '93, LSU School of Medicine Manager of Student Admissions.
Students and their parents learned what to expect in their undergraduate pre-med experience, what different types of medical schools look for in applicants when deciding who to admit, how to best prepare for their pathway to medical school, and how to maximize their opportunities in their undergraduate program for success in their medical school applications. Following the panel, students and parents were able to get information from the LSU Health Sciences Center Schools of Nursing, Allied Health, Medicine, and Dentistry.
A special thank you to Mrs. Caruso, MCA’s College Scholarship Coordinator, for organizing this insightful event.