
Mount Carmel Academy has a complete guidance program with eight full-time counselors and a college scholarship coordinator available to assist students in each grade level with issues related to spiritual and emotional growth, the maturation process, academics, the college application process, and career and work force readiness. Students and parents meet the student's counselor upon entering the school to immediately promote academic success and prepare for the development of life skills.

In order to provide the necessary information for students and parents, Mount Carmel Academy uses the Naviance Family Connection program. This program is used to assist students from grades 8 through 12 to discover their God-given strengths, to track their progress in standardized testing, research their career interests, develop college awareness and the management of their college application process.

Personal interviews with students are frequent, and the approach of the counselors is one of compassion and concern. Parent interviews are conducted for the parents of eighth graders and sophomores by the counselors for a comprehensive view of a student's past progress, plans for the future, and a conversation concerning spiritual, emotional and social development. The guidance department designates an academic day in the fall of senior year to assist students with college and scholarship applications and essays.

College Counseling

Mount Carmel Academy has a full-time college scholarship coordinator who guides students through the often-complicated college admissions process.

College Counselor meeting with student.

Through the guidance department, students become familiar with Naviance Family Connection, a career planning and assestment online tool. As early as 10th grade, Mrs. Caruso begins to work closely with the girls to prepare them for and guide them through the college admissions process. Mrs. Caruso also helps students seek scholarships, including TOPS, based on their academic and extracurricular portfolios.

Contact Mrs. Caruso

Counseling Department Assistance