Welcome, parents!
Mrs. Caruso, College Scholarship Coordinator, shares helpful tips and advice for navigating the college application process.
This section is password protected. Please email Mrs. Caruso,, if you need assistance.
Driver's Education
Office Depot - Back to Schools Program
When you purchase qualifying school supplies at Office Depot, simply give the check-out person Mount Carmel's school ID number, 70042602, and
MCA will receive a 5% credit toward school supplies.
In accordance with the Asbestos Hazardous Emergency Response Act (AHERA) a Management Plan has been prepared and approved by the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, LDEQ. This management plan is available for your review in the Principal’s office during school hours. If you desire a copy of the plan, it will be made available to you at the cost of $25.00, which covers the cost of reproduction.